martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Touring Germany

This video is made of photographs from the most beautiful places in Germany. You can enjoy the amazing landscapes and gorgeous buildings while listening to a soothing melody.

The German economic crisis.

Germany suffered hyperinflation in its worst form in the 1920s, during the post-First World War periods. Hyperinflation began in Germany sometimes in the beginning of the 1920s. The situation did not appear to be a serious one in the initial stages, but started spreading its tentacles and assumed full form since 1921. Very soon, it spread like a wild fire, taking the entire German nation in its deadly clutches. Hyperinflation continued in Germany until the close of 1923. This video explains in a simple way what hyperinflation is and what were the effects on the Germans.
I could attribute to hyperinflation the reason why my great grandparents had to immigrate to Argentina.German immigration to Argentina occurred during 5 main time periods: pre–1870, 1870–1914, 1918–1933, 1933–1940 and post–1945. During the third period, from 1918 to 1933, after a pause during World War I, immigration to Argentina again resumed and Germans came in their largest numbers. The two largest years of German immigration to Argentina were 1923 and 1924, approximately 10,000 in each year. Two of them were my great grandparents Carl and Lina.


Buenos Aires, August 4th, 1923.

Dear Friedrich,
                      How are you? How are things going? Has the situation of our beloved Germany changed? I can't believe that five months have passed since I left Göppingen. Argentina is a new world for me and I'm still getting used to my life here.
                      You can't imagine how different people are. I have made some friends here where I'm living and also at work but our cultures are so different. We are so distant, so cold and Argentinians are so warm, so demonstrative about their feelings. They are always meeting friends after work and family on Sundays.
                      I'm learning new things too. I've got a friend that's trying to teach me how to dance "Tango". He's struggling with my two left feet and we laugh quite a lot every time we get together to dance. He told me that I have to practice so I can impress Lina when she's here. But I think she's going to laugh too.
                      Other thing that call my attention was the beauty of Buenos Aires. It has nothing to envy to the most beautiful European cities. The architecture of buildings is outstanding. They have everything here, theatres, restaurants, places to dance Tango. And it has such a rich history. I'm hoping that it also has a great future because I left everything for a better tomorrow.
                      Some days are too long when you are alone. I have passed several hours sitting by the river thinking about you, about Lina. I miss her so much. I can't wait untill she's here. Thankfully I have a job that keeps me busy and it forbids my head to think about all of you.
                      Hoping everything there is getting better. Please write back soon.


lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011



Five years after the end of World War I, I was living in Göppingen a city in southern Germany with my parents. My country was facing an enormous economic crisis. Salaries were not enough to live. I had met a girl called Lina, we were planning to get married and to start a family. We were hoping for better times but after a while we were sure that our future wasn't here. Leaving everything behind was a though thing to do but it needed to be done.
Europe was out of the map. It was also struggling with the economic crisis. People all over the country were talking about America, especially about Argentina. About all the posibilities that it had and about the great future it had ahead. With a huge ache in our hearts we decided to leave Germany and start all over again in Argentina. In February 1923, I started my journey to a new beginning. A few months later, Lina followed me. We arrived to our new country with hopes and dreams and we were recibed with open arms.